Fat Atrophy
Also known as: lipodystrophy, progressive hemifacial atrophy.
What is fat atrophy?
Though fat is often seen as unwanted, it’s a critical part of the makeup of the body under the skin. When this fat degrades in an unusual manner and causes scarring or pitting on the skin’s surface, this can be due to fat atrophy.
What causes fat atrophy?
In some cases the cause of fat atrophy is unknown. It can also be related to other medical conditions or certain medications.
What are the symptoms of fat atrophy?
When fat atrophy occurs, the skin can look pitted, scarred or bumpy. It can also make the skin change color, look wrinkled or exhibit some of the bony structure underneath that wasn’t visible beforehand.
What are fat atrophy care options?
Fat atrophy can be treated with tissue or synthetic implants, or the injection or aspiration of fat to the affected areas of the body. In cases where the atrophy is secondary to particular genetic conditions, there are dedicated treatment forms and replacement therapy.
Reviewed by: Pedro A Pagan Banchs, MD
This page was last updated on: October 27, 2021 10:57 AM